How to Reduce Bruising and Swelling After a Brow Lift


A brow lift is a fantastic procedure that can add an aura of youth and vivaciousness to the upper forehead region of a patient’s face. However, like most invasive surgery procedures, a brow lift can leave behind a period of bruising and swelling after the initial procedure. This period can last for some time after the surgery is over. Below, we cover how to reduce bruising and swelling after a brow lift.

How to Reduce Bruising and Swelling After a Brow Lift

If you have a brow lift scheduled or are even just thinking about obtaining one from a cosmetic surgeon, then take a look at this guide on how to reduce bruising and swelling after your brow lift.

The Benefits of A Brow Lift

Due to its simplicity of use and its understated yet substantial results, this method has started to acquire favor.

A good brow lift can reduce and remove horizontal lines around the eyes and on the forehead, giving the overall face a more youthful and vibrant appearance. Additionally, it can lessen the prominence of the horizontal “frown lines” that form between the eyes with aging.

Additionally, if one’s eyebrows have drooped over time, a brow lift will assist in raising them to their natural position on the face, which can help to erase several years off one’s appearance.

When combined with other operations, a brow lift can give one’s appearance a sophisticated yet subtle upgrade.

1. Avoid Using Blood Thinners

There are certain over-the-counter medications and herbal supplements that can exacerbate bleeding after a brow lift. Primarily of concern are substances that can thin the blood, such as ibuprofen and aspirin.

You’ll want to avoid ingesting anything like this for approximately 2 weeks after your procedure. You’ll also want to avoid taking any herbal supplements, as many of these have blood-thinning effects that might not be overtly labeled on their packaging.

Blood thinning can cause bruising to become much worse, therefore avoiding this process will benefit one in the long run.

2. Apply Cold Packs To The Affected Area

Another good tip for reducing bruising and swelling is to apply a cold pack to the surgical site. Cold compression applied to the area that is experiencing these phenomena will constrict the blood vessels and help to reduce these things.

You should avoid placing ice directly on the skin; rather, you should wrap the ice in a towel or cloth and apply it to the affected area for 15 minutes at a time. Doing this in the days immediately following your procedure can produce fantastic results.

3. Avoid Intense Physical Activity

You’ll also want to avoid engaging in any overly intense physical activity in the first 2 to 4 weeks following your procedure.

Intense exercise can raise your heart rate and blood pressure. This puts you at an increased risk of bruising and delay your recovery. Most physical activity should be avoided, aside from some gentle walking.

4. Arnica and Bromelain Can Help

There are certain herbal topical substances that can be applied to the surgical site to reduce swelling and bruising. Two examples include Arnica and Bromelain, which can be commonly found at most pharmacies.

However, it remains duly important to consult with your physician about whether using these substances in your personal situation would benefit you. Otherwise, you’re better off avoiding them.

5. Keep Your Head Elevated

Rest is the body’s first line of defense towards wellness, following this, you’re going to be wanting to get plenty of it in the days following your procedure.

When you’re resting after your procedure, it’s important that you keep your head elevated to reduce bruising and swelling. Failing to do so can result in excess swelling around the surgical site.

The Process of Recovery

Similar to any serious medical procedure, a brow lift recovery time is just as important as the actual time spent under anesthesia.

A brow lift may take a few weeks to show its full effects. In order to give your body time to heal in the days following your surgery, it is also advised that you schedule a few days off of work.

It is also advised that you make plans for a family member or friend to accompany you to the treatment. They can then drive you home afterward, as you will probably feel exhausted and fatigued.

The Brow Lift Experts of Santa Barbara

Dr. Brent and the rest of his dedicated team enjoy serving the residents of Santa Barbara the finest quality plastic surgery procedures available. If you are interested in having a brow lift in Santa Barbara, or would just like to learn more about the process, then contact him today in order to set up an appointment.

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