How Painful is Breast Lift Recovery?


A breast lift is a popular procedure designed to enhance the appearance of the breasts by lifting and reshaping them. Many women experience changes to their breasts due to pregnancy, breastfeeding, or weight fluctuations, which can cause issues with a woman’s self-esteem. A breast lift can restore the appearance of the breasts and boost one’s confidence. Before deciding to move forward with surgery, many women contemplate, “How painful is breast lift recovery?” Below, you will find helpful information about the recovery process.


How Painful is Breast Lift Recovery?

Considering and planning for the recovery process is essential before getting a breast lift. The breast lift process and recovery period will be different for each patient. However, it usually lasts around one month. The first two weeks are the most critical. Women often do experience some discomfort after a breast lift, but this can be effectively managed with medication and rest. Your surgeon will provide you with postoperative instructions to ensure the recovery process is simple.


Breast Lift Recovery Timeline

The recovery period after a breast lift usually lasts around four weeks. By the end of week four, you should be able to get back to your routine with ease. Consider the following stages of the recovery timeline after a breast lift.


Week 1 Post-Breast Lift

The first week should be focused entirely on rest and recovery. This is especially true for the first few days. You will notice swelling, bruising, discomfort, and a tightness in your chest during this period. You may also face limited mobility. All of these symptoms are entirely normal and will gradually improve over time. 


Week 2 Post-Breast Lift

By the second week, patients often feel much better. In many cases, discomfort is at a minimum. You may still notice some soreness around the incision sites, but it should be significantly lessened at this time, and if not, your surgeon will share tips for managing it. Your mobility should also improve, which can allow you to move around in a greater range of motion. Resting is still advisable as it can ensure optimal results.


Weeks 3 and 4 Post-Breast Lift

Many people slowly get back into their daily routine in the third and fourth weeks following a breast lift. By this time, your body will have likely adjusted to the physical strain of the cosmetic surgery. Patients often have a postoperative visit, during which their surgeon assesses their progress. Any modifications to your recovery instructions will be discussed at this appointment. 

By the end of the fourth week, you should be able to get back to your routine. Specifically, you should be able to engage in light activities around the house and fully return to work. However, you should avoid intense exercise until your surgeon clears you.


Managing Pain After A Breast Lift

Each patient is uniquely different, so it is necessary to listen to the signals from your body. Consider the following tips on how to manage your pain after a breast lift.


Follow Postoperative Instructions 

Your surgeon will provide you with postoperative instructions. These should be followed as your surgeon knows your health and medical history. If you notice any issues during your recovery process, contact your surgeon right away. 


Follow-up Appointments

Attend all of your follow-up appointments. Your surgeon will assess your progress and ensure that your recovery is going as planned. Modifications may need to be made to your instructions based on the unique qualities of your surgery and recovery.


Rest and Recovery

The most important thing you can do after a breast lift is rest. Enlist help from friends and family to complete other tasks so you can focus on your recovery. It is helpful to ensure your body fully recovers and will benefit your breast lift results. 


Cosmetic Surgery

If you are interested in a breast lift, contact Dr. Brent Moelleken and his team to schedule a consultation today.

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