Guide to Tummy Tuck Recovery


You might be getting a tummy tuck as part of a full mommy makeover package or are choosing a tummy tuck as a standalone treatment to improve the shape and structure of your abs. In either case, the key to maintaining great long-term results is to take steps toward a smooth recovery process. In this guide to tummy tuck recovery, our double board-certified plastic and reconstructive surgeon, Dr. Brent, will explain the steps to a perfect tummy tuck experience from beginning to end. 

Guide to Tummy Tuck Recovery

1. Get Your Full Recovery Timeline

When you meet with Dr. Brent for your consultation, he will give you an estimate of what to expect. For most patients, the tummy tuck is an outpatient procedure that requires anesthesia. The length of time needed to recover will also depend on whether you signed up for a tummy tuck alone or with other procedures. 

You might hear about an estimated recovery timeline of eight weeks. Some patients achieve full recovery in six weeks, while others may have to wait eight or nine. Make sure you set enough time aside to take off from work and school, allowing you time to rest at home without interruption. 

2. Make Sure You Sleep

A good night’s sleep will energize your body on a good day, but it is absolutely essential during periods of recovery. Resting allows your body to focus all of its efforts on healing the area around your surgery site. You might be tired a lot in the first few days following your procedure. It is okay to take a lot of naps and sleep often to store your energy. Have friends and family around to keep an eye on you while you rest. 

3. Follow All Recovery Instructions

Dr. Brent will provide a detailed list of instructions that you can follow to improve the quality and speed of your recovery. For example, you might be given a compression garment that you need to wear around your abdomen for the first few days or weeks. This helps to maintain a tight abdominal structure while your body heals around it. 

You might be worried about taking care of your tummy tuck scars. Dr. Brent will assuage your fears before surgery by giving you realistic expectations surrounding your scars. You may end up with a couple of visible scars on your abdomen after surgery. However, there are steps you can take to reduce their appearance and keep them looking smooth. Consuming more Vitamin A and less tobacco is a great way to keep visible scarring at a minimum. 

4. Eat and Drink Well 

Just as sleep is an important part of the recovery process, adequate hydration and a healthy diet are essential to your healing. During the first few days of recovery, you may face pain, discomfort, or general grogginess. It can be hard to build up an appetite under such conditions. Start small, eating soft foods like yogurt and applesauce until you can reach a full meal. Drink plenty of water and keep other hydrating fluids close by. 

The foods you choose to eat can have a huge impact on your healing. By eating healthy foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and other vitamin-rich substances, you are helping your body along. Junk food, tobacco, alcohol, and other unhealthy substances can severely hinder your recovery, leaving you with unsavory symptoms such as cosmetic damage and chronic pain.

5. Take It Slow

You will want to limit your physical movements while in recovery. Your abdomen contains many muscles that pull and contract when you move, and walking around immediately following your procedure can cause a lot of pain. You should gradually get back into the habit of moving around by going for small walks as soon as you start to feel better. Make sure you avoid strenuous activities, such as running or lifting weights, for several weeks. 

Visit Dr. Brent to Learn More

Your stomach carries the signs of what you have been through in life. The abdomen stretches and pulls after childbirth, weight fluctuation, injury, and many other reasons. It can be difficult to maintain the perfect shape, especially if your midsection has been through a lot. If you want an effective treatment that will give you the look you want without any long-term hassle, a tummy tuck might be for you. 

Schedule your consultation with Dr. Brent today to learn about his signature hybrid tummy tuck procedure. You can combine a range of treatments in a single care package personalized to suit your needs. Call today to begin the process. 

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