6 Myths About Liposuction


Liposuction is an incredibly popular plastic surgery procedure that removes fat from specific areas of your body and creates a more sculpted appearance. It is effective at producing dramatic results and changes in appearance for the right patient. Although liposuction is a prevalent procedure, it is also somewhat misunderstood. If you are curious whether liposuction is a good choice for you, take a look at this guide that will dispel some of the myths surrounding it.

6 Myths About Liposuction

There are a number of myths about liposuction. Educating yourself about the following can help you avoid misunderstandings between you and your physician.

1.  Liposuction Just Moves Fat Around

There is a common misconception that the fat that is removed through a liposuction procedure will shift to another part of the body. Fortunately, this is not the case. If a patient is able to maintain a consistent body weight in the period following their procedure, they should be able to maintain the aesthetic appearance provided by their liposuction procedure.

The primary culprit of warped liposuction results is the fact that the parts of the body that have not received liposuction treatment will accumulate fat at a different rate than the parts of the body that have received treatment.

2.  Liposuction Delivers Immediate Results

Many people enter into a liposuction experience expecting immediate results and find themselves disappointed by the appearance of their procedure in the immediate period after the fact. In actuality, the appearance of one’s liposuction site following the procedure is often not indicative of what your final results will look like.

This is due to the fact that many patients experience post-procedural swelling in the area of the body near the liposuction treatment. This swelling can postpone the appearance of the actual results of your procedure.

3.  Liposuction is a Weight Loss Technique

This is one of the more common misconceptions surrounding liposuction. Liposuction is not a weight loss technique but a body sculpting technique that alters the appearance of the target areas. Patients who receive liposuction will not actually experience a significant drop in their weight following the procedure. In fact, liposuction is often explicitly not recommended for patients who are extremely overweight or obese due to the complications that can arise from modifying too much body fat all at once.

4.  Liposuction is a Casual Procedure

Although liposuction may not be as intense as open heart surgery, it is still a complex medical procedure that can carry serious medical consequences if it is not properly executed. For this reason, you should take your physician’s advice regarding the procedure seriously and be thoughtful when selecting your surgeon. Be sure to select a board-certified surgeon for your procedure.

5.  Liposuction Ensures Permanent Results

Many patients enter into a liposuction process expecting permanent results. Unfortunately, this is not the case. All parts of the body are subject to the processes of time and aging, and this still applies to the parts of you that have received liposuction or other cosmetic procedures. Liposuction treatment works best when paired with a healthy diet and exercise. Together, they can give a patient long-lasting and successful results.

6.  Liposuction is Dangerous

Liposuction is a safe procedure performed by an expert surgeon who follows the proper safety protocols. Should these conditions be met, most patients will not experience any elevated risk of their procedure. That said, it is important to vet your physician thoroughly by researching their history of surgeries and overall medical profile before you decide to entrust your safety to them. All surgeries involve some risk, so you must do your due diligence when considering a liposuction procedure.

Your Liposuction Expert in Santa Barbara

Plastic Surgery Santa Barbara is a premier venue for liposuction in Southern California. If you want to put your procedure and results in the hands of a double-board-certified plastic surgeon, contact our office today to set up an appointment.